Monday, May 20, 2024

  • Category: Basic Knowledge
The fourth Bitcoin Halving event is finally complete. The block reward for miners has officially decreased from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC/block.
Among the narratives gaining attention in 2024, DePIN emerges like a bright star. Many believe that DePIN serves as the gateway to introduce millions, even billions of new users to the crypto market. However, there are also concerns about its potential resemblance to a ponzi scheme. Let’s delve into DePIN and explore whether it’s a worthwhile investment!
Aevo is a high-performance decentralized derivatives exchange platform, focused on options and perpetual contracts.  The project confirmed in their Discord that the token will be in Q1 2024.
Celestia is a modular blockchain network that provides developers with the infrastructure to build and maintain blockchains. Specifically, Celestia allows other blockchains to use it as a data availability and consensus layer.
Who doesn’t like free stuff? Well, those who like cryptocurrency can get their freebies, too. A number of websites offer free cryptocurrency to consumers, and all it takes to get started is a bit of initiative
Liquid staking derivatives (LSDs) are tokens that represent staked cryptocurrencies. LSDs give users access to the liquidity of their staked tokens which otherwise would be locked in a staking smart contract.
A Bitcoin ETF is a financial product that allows investors to gain exposure to Bitcoin’s price movements without owning the cryptocurrency directly. Bitcoin ETFs track the performance of Bitcoin as an underlying asset.
Staking is a key element of cryptocurrencies that operate using “proof-of-stake” validation.